I know, I know, the cupcake is so 2010. Apparently, cupcakes are out and pies are in. Maybe the flaming cupcake and cupcake fondue are out, but take a classic, never-go-out-of-style food like carrot cake and make it into cupcakes, and you have something that will always be in. This recipe makes a yummy cupcake, […]
Archive | In season
Make your own roasted sweet corn
Every year, when Michigan corn is ready to harvest, we head to the farmer’s market and buy 3-4 dozen ears to roast and preserve. The first year we did this, we bought corn from a girl who would harvest corn on her family farm and then sell it at farmer’s markets to raise money for […]
Roasted Corn Chowder
I’m beginning to see signs everywhere advertising “Michigan sweet corn sold here”. It’s a food that I can’t resist and have yet to meet anyone who doesn’t like fresh sweet corn. As Garrison Keillor said, “Sex is good, but not as good as fresh, sweet corn.” Several years ago, Chris and I decided to grow our […]
Asian Kohl-Slaw
I’m not a big fan of cooking when it’s this hot, so I’m taking advantage of a few foods in my garden that I can eat without turning on the stove. The carrots are ready and so is the kohlrabi, so how about a kohl-slaw?! Two years ago my husband was given purple kohlrabi seeds, so […]