I grew up in a large family and both of my parents worked, sometimes more than one job, so meal-time was about convenience. I am a product of the quick and easy processed food generation of Tyson Chicken Breasts, frozen
…Grilling lettuce? What the — ?!

Spinach Feta Pizza
One year, by accident, I planted our spinach just a little too late at the end of summer to get a fall yield. However, this accident lead to a wonderful surprise in the spring. By the first week in May
…In anticipation of the Topopo Salad
Most of what we grow in the summer doesn’t go into the ground until mid-to-late May because of the threat of frost in this region. However, there is still plenty to plant after the ground has thawed and the soil
…Chinese Red Noodle Bean Curry
We were taking inventory of our freezer over the weekend to see what we had left from out fall harvest last year. We discovered that we still had two bags of Chinese Red Noodle Beans. We were given these
…I ♡ Kale

I am so ready for spring. I am craving greens to eat and I want to see green. I want to lose the gloves and hat and sit on my deck and feel the warm spring sun on my face.